An Anxiety Therapist Addresses Anxiety for LGBTQ+ The Basics of Anxiety

The Basics of Anxiety

A close up of a man with a stressed expression on his face. This could represent the toll of anxiety that an anxiety therapist in Miami, FL can help address. Learn more about LGBTQ therapy in Miami, FL, and other services by contacting a stress thera

Everyone at some point in their lives will worry about something. Some worries can be productive and lead you to prioritize things in your life, giving you the drive or motivation to get things done and accomplish your goals. But too much worry can lead to diagnosable versions of anxiety. Anxiety, from a more simple understanding, usually can be defined as a fear of some unknown; how this typically translates for people in terms of behavior is an inherent desire and need to be in control in response to whatever anxiety is present. Control gives us the illusion that we can predict and/or change something we don’t know, i.e., the future.

Some types of anxiety include:

  • Social Anxiety Disorder - excessive worry and stress over social situations, including large crowds, fear of judgment, criticism, embarrassment or harassment leading to avoidance of social settings or situations

  • Panic Disorders - excessive worry and stress that presents more somatically, such as racing heart and thoughts, sweaty palms, hyperventilation, and panic cycling to eventually becoming fearful of panic attacks occurring later

Anxiety is a survival mechanism

We get anxiety because our body warns us “Oh, there’s something dangerous” and it tries to take as much “control” as it can to keep you safe. The brain, however, hasn’t been able to differentiate between a real physical threat and a perceived emotional threat - the brain may actually respond to either the exact same way. When we pass this down on a generational or societal level, we’re already creating inherent core beliefs (rigid, generalizable beliefs that help us understand the world) for younger generations.

Anxiety in LGBTQ+

Two people hold up a rainbow flag in front of their legs while standing on a sidewalk. This could represent the stress that lgbtq community members face. Learn more about LGBTQ therapy in Miami, FL by searching for an LGBTQ therapist in Miami, FL tod

Individuals within the LGBTQ+ community statistically have an increased risk (about 2 times the rate) of facing anxiety and other mental health conditions at some point in their lives compared to those who don’t identify within this community (heterosexuals and/or cisgendered individuals). Why might this be the case? What differs is that individuals in the LGBTQ+ community face a higher risk and potential of emotional, psychological, and physical harm - more opportunities for potential threats or threats themselves than for those who don’t identify with this community.

They’ve most likely lived with these types of threats their whole lives. These threats include discrimination, bullying, physical assaults or abuse and neglect, microaggressions, and inherent or learned biases that are passed down societally and/or generationally. Some states (Florida included) even have enacted policies against mental health and access to health care for members of the LGBTQ+ community, such as the “Don’t Say Gay” bill and limited access to transgender affirming care resources, creating further divide for this community of individuals.

Ways to Address Anxiety for Individuals in the LGBTQ+ Community

Here are a few ways to address anxiety on individual and social levels, whether you identify in the LGBTQ+ community or know and love someone who is in this community:

  • Listen and be supportive or seek support from those around you who make you feel safe and validated (such as friends, peers, family members, religious organizations, support groups, etc.)

  • Seek a professional to build skills to understand and address different types of anxiety and anxious feelings through modalities such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) or Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)

  • Engage in self-care strategies and create firm boundaries to protect yourself

  • Vote for leaders that understand the complexities of those who identify in the LGBTQ+ community and are in support of equality, basic human rights, and emotional, psychological, and physical needs being met for all

Other LGBTQ+ Friendly Resources

A close up of a pride flag on the desk of a person with a clipboard standing across from another person. This could represent the support an anxiety therapist in Miami, FL can offer with LGBTQ therapy in Miami, FL. Search for anxiety symptoms Miami,
  • 988 Suicide; Crisis Lifeline – Phone counseling any time, day or night by dialing 988.

  • LGBT National Help Center – Hotlines based on age groups: 800-246-7743 for youth, 888-843-4564 for adults and 888-688-5428 for seniors. Weekly chatrooms for youth and online peer support are also available.

  • Trevor Project Lifeline – 24/7 phone, text and online support for LGBTQ+ youth.

  • Rainbow Health – Mental, chemical and sexual health services for LGBTQ+ people and communities that historically and currently face barriers to behavioral health support.

  • Reclaim! – Affordable mental health care for youth who identify as queer or trans.

  • Trans Lifeline – Trans peer support available by calling 877-565-8860.

Begin Working with An Anxiety Therapist in Miami, FL

Members of the LGBTQ+ community deserve support in addressing the unique stressors they face. Our team of caring therapists would be happy to offer support in addressing symptoms and finding the help you need. You can start your therapy journey with Miami Vibes Counseling by following these simple steps:

  1. Contact us to schedule a session

  2. Meet with one of our caring therapists

  3. Start receiving the care you deserve!

Other Services Offered with Miami Vibes Counseling

Support for the LGBTQ+ community isn’t the only service we offer. Our team is happy to offer support with a vareity of mental health concerns including anxiety, depression, and trauma. Other mental health services include CBT, ACT, TF-CBT, and parenting support. In addition, we are happy to offer treatment for stress, life transitions, and grief. Our team is happy to provide support for couples, infidelity, children, and families. Learn more about our other services including ESA letters, support for business or employment stress, spirituality, and online therapy. Visit our blog or FAQs page for more helpful info today!


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